Unfair dismissal
Dismissals can be a stressful time for an employee, particularly if you feel you were victim to unfair dismissal or felt pressured to resign. If you have been or are in the process of being dismissed it is important to know that you do have rights. Those rights vary depending upon your situation as employment law is complex. However, if you believe you have been unfairly dismissed it is important you seek expert legal advice. Depending upon the situation if you have been unfairly dismissed you may be entitled to claim compensation.
Unfair dismissal claims can arise from a range of issues such as:
- Raising Grievances
- Being harassed or bullied
- Discrimination
- Requests for time off to look after family
- Refusal to accept changes to employment conditions
- Whistle blowing on unlawful practices
Unfair dismissal claims can only be pursued if you have been in your role for at least 2 years. If you are unsure whether you are eligible to make a claim or not please contact us to discuss your individual case.
How can Macks help?
Macks understand that this could be a very stressful time for you but they have the experience to support you through these complex cases and will fight to ensure that all of your statutory and contractual rights are honoured.
Call Macks for a free and confidential consultation with a specialist solicitor today on 01325 389 800.
Why use a solicitor?
- Unfair dismissal claims can be complex and therefore require the expertise of a solicitor.
- A solicitor can represent you in court.
- A solicitor will seek to achieve the best possible outcome.
Why Watson Woodhouse?
- Our specialist employment solicitors are experts in unfair dismissal.
- We will listen to your personal situation and provide you with tailored advice.
- We will keep you updated on the progress of your claim.
We are here to help
Call us for a confidential consultation with a specialist solicitor today on 01642 247656 or on our 24/7 Emergency Helpline 01642 917175